There are many possible indicators that you may need congregational transformation.
Are you missing one or more generations of people in Sunday worship?
Do you long for the good old days in your church so much that you seldom look to the future?
Has your congregation stopped reaching out in meaningful ways to your community and the world?
Has unlocking the front door of your church on Sunday morning become your principal outreach activity?
Have you stopped proclaiming the gospel to anyone outside the walls of your church?
Has "evangelism" become an unused term in your church or referred to as "the E word" in conversations?
Do you think about adding to your church rolls before thinking about helping people become disciples of Jesus?
Do you think someone has to be a member of the church before they can join you in mission?
Do you no longer practice the spiritual disciplines?
Is your church truly engaging?
Do you truly practice hospitality?
Do you feel you are in competition with the other congregations and faith communities in your area: that it's "us" vs. "them"?
In the last ten years, have you had more deficit budgets that balanced budgets?
Do 10% or less of your donors contribute 90% or more of your donations?
Has your giving to mission and causes outside your church dwindled to a fraction of what it was ten years ago?
Do people have to be in your church for a decade or two before they are allowed to serve in a leadership role?
In your Board meetings, is Roberts Rules of Order used more often than the Bible?