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Please register or login to continue.

Use the left-side login ONLY if you already have a User Account.

Use the right-side registration area if you are new to the site and setting up a GUEST ACCOUNT for the first time. A Guest Account has only limited privileges until you complete a registration for a course, community or event through the Registrar's Catalog. If you landed in this page through any other means other than the Registrar's Catalog AND wish to join a course, community or event, please start your registration through the Registrar's Catalog to receive elevated access privileges. Many of our communities and events are FREE!

Important: If you are new to the site and registering through the Registrar's Catalog for a course, community or event, you landed in this page to set up your new User Account and User Password. This is the first set in getting you fully registered and set up. When your new Guest Account has been set up, you will see a confirmation page confirming your new account. Be sure to click "Continue" on the confirmation page to finish your registration and check-out process. When finished with the Registrar's process and your order fully checked out and paid (if any charges apply), your Guest Account will be automatically upgraded to a full Member Account and you will have instant access to your selected course, community or event.

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