Certain events that we will conduct from time to time will require the purchase of a ticket to participate.
Ticketed Events function just like Reservation Events.
Users can purchase their tickets advance of the event just like registering for a class or community. Upon check-out, our registrar/bursar system will permission the ticketed used into the event's community space. When all of the available tickets have been purchased, no additional tickets will be sold. Inventory management for tickets assures that all ticket holders will be served with the available event resources.
On the day of the event, those with tickets simply enter the Ticketed Event's community space. Only those with tickets will be allowed into the space will have full access to the event's media.
It is recommended that tickets should be purchased in advance for guaranteed access to the Ticketed Event.
It is recommended that tickets should be purchased in advance for guaranteed access because attendance to the Ticketed Event may be limited.
However, any remaining tickets may be purchased at the time of the event subject to availability.