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RL-01 Course Outcomes for "Advent: Preaching Texts from the Hebrew Bible and Gospels - Year C"

Here are the Outcomes for Ministry as defined by GCOM that we BELIEVE a candidate for "Commissioned Minister" can address through participation in this course.

Biblical Knowledge

Be rooted and grounded in scripture and able to interpret and apply the Scriptures in ways that are appropriate to original and contemporary contexts.


Read biblical texts from both testaments effectively for preaching and worship, interpreting them in light of the Gospel and relating them to the life of faith today;

Analyze biblical texts using current scholarly methods;

Assess and use critical commentaries and other resources (for example, print and online “sermon helps” and lectionary studies);

Describe in broad terms the historical development of the Bible, including the social, economic, and political contexts out of which biblical literature grew;

Identify the role that the experience and culture of the reader play in the interpretation of biblical texts.

Proclamation of the Word

Know the practice and theory of Christian preaching. Be able to proclaim the Word of God, share the Good News of Jesus Christ, and help Congregational members apply their faith to daily life.


Develop sermons that help congregations recognize and respond to God’s presence and purpose as the divine as experienced in the stories of the faith;

Use diverse homiletic possibilities relating appropriate form and styles of preaching to different situations;

Employ an understanding of homiletic possibilities with respect to form and genre relating appropriate form and styles to different situations;

Engage a biblical text in ways that respect its historical and theological integrity and preach so as to help the listener celebrate the diversity of the faith of the biblical community.


Know the purpose and elements of Christian worship.


Recognize the structure of particular worship services and demonstrate the ability to plan worship services for varying occasions in the life of the church. This includes a demonstrated knowledge of an array of worship resources

Note to Students

These outcomes can be addressed IN PART by completion of this course. It is not the intent of the course nor is it the purpose of the instructor that the student demonstrate these outcomes completely or thoroughly through participation in this course. However, as a student who is completing a portfolio for ministry and who is familiar with the Criteria for ministry as outlined by the General Commission on Ministry, participants will have the opportunity to address the specified "Outcomes" to one degree or another through this course. Then, as the student blends the experience of this course with other educational experiences, he or she can begin to document for his or her Commission on Ministry (in his or her own Region) this as one course which has led to fulfillment of the Criteria for Ministry.