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News From TransformingTheChurch.org - News Archive


Registration Opens for Online Course: “Stewardship In Scripture”

Registration is open for a new online course: “Stewardship In Scripture” taught by Rev. Bruce Barkhauer, Minister for Faith and Giving for Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). “Stewardship and Scripture” features four video lessons and assignments that students can view online and complete at their convenience, and participate in three live class-wide conference calls.


Effective Leadership for More Vital Congregations

On February 27th, TransformingTheChurch.org will begin a new seven-week interactive distance-learning course, “The Calling of Congregational Leadership” taught by Dr. Larry McSwain based on his Chalice Press book of the same title.


Registration Is Open for 12 New Online Courses

TransformingTheChurch.org has announced its online education schedule for Advent and the winter term of 2014.

Registration is open now.


Registration Is Open for “Transforming Congregations with a Spiritual Strategic Journey”

Online registration is open for the first of a series of new courses on TransformingTheChurch.org. “Transforming Congregations with a Spiritual Strategic Journey” with Dr. George Bullard begins September 17, 2013. This course consists of seven 40-minute video-on-demand sessions plus seven 60-minute live sessions with George Bullard. The cost is $99.


The Columbia Partnership Is Coming To TransformingTheChurch.org

The Columbia Partnership (TCP), TransformingTheChurch.org and Christian College have entered into an agreement that brings new distance-learning courses and learning communities to the TransformingTheChurch.org platform and website. This agreement projects the addition of 18 new courses over the next 18 months. TCP’s current “Transformation Learning Community” and its webinar events will move from the www.TheColumbiaPartnership.org website to the TransformingTheChurch.org website immediately.

The first three courses feature TCP’s George Bullard and production is in progress. Early registration begins in June and classes begin in September. Additional course production with other TCP Ministry Colleagues takes place throughout the 2013-14 academic year.

"The partnership of The Columbia Partnership, TransformingTheChurch.org, and Christian College projects an empowering resource for transforming congregations throughout North America," says Dr. George Bullard, President of TCP.

“Christian College joins its foundational commitment—vitality in congregations—to the vision of this collaboration with TransformingTheChurch.org and The Columbia Partnership with a level of confidence, enthusiasm and hope unmatched in its sixty-six year history. It is both a privilege and an inspiration to participate in an endeavor which will transform ministerial leadership for generations,” says Dr. Bob Harris, President, Christian College.


Free Online Learning Resource for Church Websites

Christian College and TransformingTheChurch.org have launched an online special-interest community titled “Building Effective Online Ministries.” This online community is dedicated to teaching the planning, building and operating the online assets of churches. The community allows interactive participation among its members as well as with subject-matter experts dedicated to mentoring the community.


TransformingTheChurch.org New Web Design Implemented As Planned

As previously announced, we completed the implementation of the new design just after midnight, March 14th. The evolution was completed smoothly and without incident.


Notice: New Website Design Will Be Implemented On March 14th

Starting just after midnight March 14, 2013, we will be changing the design of our entire website: public site, all communities and all Virtual Classrooms.